by AdPerfect

How Postmedia Increased 
e-Commerce by 92% 

Postmedia Came to AdPerfect for Help with Obituaries

Like many local media companies, Postmedia’s obituary vertical was extremely expensive to operate and offered few opportunities for incremental revenue. Additionally, their

self-serve process was fragmented and not available for all newspapers. There were too many touch points in the customer journey which resulted in large resource expenses and process

inefficiencies. From a brand perspective, Postmedia wanted more control over their obituary platform and to ensure that their local

media title was front and center while driving digital traffic to their website, not a third party.

Postmedia Implemented AdPerfect's Self-Serve Obituary Engine

Postmedia chose the AdPerfect obituary platform to be more efficient, increase incremental revenue, strengthen their relationship with local funeral homes and lower operational expenses. By using AdPerfect’s obituary platform, they have achieved all of these goals and in some cases surpassed them. Their annual obituary platform expenses were reduced and they also saw a significant increase in e-Commerce revenue and found

new, never-before-seen ways to work with local funeral homes.

The End Result:

  • Increased Efficiencies with Funeral Home Self-Serve
  • Significant Increase in e-Commerce Revenue (92%)
  • Reduced Obituary Platform Costs from six-figures to $0
  • Strengthened Online Presence & Increase Page Views


How CNHI Grew Self-Serve Obituary Revenue by 178% 

CNHI Came to AdPerfect for Help with Obituaries

For local newspaper publishers like CNHI, obituaries have long been meaningful local content. They are also an important revenue stream. But at CNHI -- which owns 110 newspapers in 22 states -- the approach to publishing obituaries was still print centric, even as the publishers’ overall online strategy evolved. 

The display of obituaries online was generating very little revenue. And it lacked features allowing users to upload their own content about their departed loved ones. CNHI needed to transform its business by improving the user experience and finding new ways to monetize this important category, according to Kayla Castille, Senior Vice President of Content and Digital Operations

CNHI Implemented AdPerfect's Self-Serve Obituary Engine

With these challenges in mind, CNHI implemented the AdPerfect Obituaries platform in June 2016 to generate more digital and print revenue from the category, bring new customer value to obituaries, and promote self-serve order entry to gain operational efficiencies. CNHI chose AdPerfect Obituaries to implement a branded, feature-rich online obituaries display with self-serve


The End Result:

  • 117% increase in obituary revenue from private party submissions
  • 178% increase in obituary revenue from funeral home submissions


How Large Metros Increased Obituary Revenue By More than $10 Million in Six Months

Large metros realizing significant revenue and audience growth on

Many large metropolitan media titles have been experiencing a steady decline in obituary and death notices over the last several years. While this content is still extremely popular in local communities, page views for many large publishers are falling at an even faster rate. 

Realizing that those numbers will continue as long as they’re paying a third-party to take this valuable content and host it under another brand, making sure that their brand is first and foremost in the community is imperative. 

Leveraging the largest funeral home network in north America exceeded their goals

Leveraging the largest funeral home network in north America exceeded their goals

Five large metro markets chose to join the AdPerfect funeral home network in 2020, with the goals of reversing the downward trend in obituary and death notices count, improving audience engagement and reaffirming their brands as the only brands for this content in their markets. With AdPerfect’s white-label platform, 15,000+ funeral home network and best-in-class SEO, the data clearly shows that these five large metro markets surpassed each of the goals. 

The End Result:

  • More than 13,000 additional obituaries
  • Average page view growth of 36.2%
  • $10.3 million incremental revenue 

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